Mrs. Fitzpatrick's 7th grade Language Arts

This Week's Vocabulary

1. Browse~ (v.) to read casually; to window shop

2.Dynamic~ (adj.) active, energetic, forceful

3.Eradicate (v.) to get rid of or destroy completely

4. Marginal (adj.) near the edge, only barely good enough

5. Inimitable (adj.) not capable of being copied or imitated

6. Makeshift~ (n.) a temporary substitute for something else (adj.) crude, flimsy or temporary

7. Pending~ (adj.) waiting to be settled

8. Quaint~ (adj.) odd or old-fashioned in a pleasing way; clever

9. Scrimp~ (v.) to handle very economically or stingily; to supply a small amount

10. Utmost~  (adj.) greatest, highest, farthest; (n.) the extreme limit

11. Prominent~(adj.) standing out as to easily be seen, important, well-known

12. Vengeance~(n.) punishment in return for an injury or a wrong
